Friday, January 14, 2011

Perfect Michigan Winter

I wanted a place to keep a photo log/journal type of thing about our fun adventures in Michigan, which, after all my complaining, isn't really such a hole of a place as I once thought.  For one thing, it has woods.  The kind of old, fallen log, lose-yourself-in-the-beauty-of-it-all kind of woods.  And that's pretty great.  

I figured I needed to start a blog where I could easily put up pictures for a few reasons: a) I have a terrible memory and this will help me remember what happened in my life b) in order to remember, pictures are a huge help c) BT and FB post to too many people for me, so this is a little more private c) sometimes this will just be for me and the family. 

Oh, and you can click on the pics to blow them up.  Pretty cool, eh?

And now for the first photo blog wherein Cody and I go for an afternoon hike, which happens to be the start of a three day weekend.  Can't beat that.

This is the Argo Trail, which runs from the Argo livery down to the wooden bridge that runs alongside Barton Drive.  Cody and I hike here almost every day and I run here all the time.  With the Huron River on one side and a steep ravine up to Longshore, it's a perfect little place to get away from cars and find peace.

There's the Huron river on the left, and Cody trotting along so happy to be out here with me.

The pitter patter of feet along the trail makes me happy.

Holy leaf!  The river is completely frozen now and covered with snow.

Cody makes fresh tracks with her little poofy fur kicking up all over the place.  The best pup ever.

Initial climb up Kuebler Woods from Huron River Drive.  Someone's been XC skiing, those lucky dogs.

A rare sunny winter day in Michigan.  But when it does come out, it's so magical.  I've never seen anyone sit at these benches, but there they are.

Top of a rise, Cody surveys what may come.

Especially squirrels.

We made it all the way to Bird Hills, where this relatively unused trail leads down the side of a very steep ravine.  Great place to test your new trail boots.

Cooler than a cucumber.

That pine will be huge one day.

The dropoffs here are serious.  Better not get too close.

She keeps an eye out for foxes across the ravine.

We ham it up for the cam.

A slippery slope with the last glimpse of sunlight over the crest.

I love how fearlessly this dog will descend.  She's cooler than pop rocks.

View from on high down to Huron River Drive.  What are these flags and who put them up?

A little closer.

It's important to make your mark in this world.  Cody has good aim, no?

Back to Kuebler

A completely frozen Huron River.  This turned into a pretty good shot.  The long reeds poking up from the watershed are my favorite.

'Ooh, daddy's gonna love this stick.  I'll tease him good with it!'

'Come and get it sucka!'

 'Neeeee neeeee'

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